9 Years Later…

Derek Cole
1 min readNov 9, 2021


In school I was not a fan of science at all. Not even close. Actually I didn’t take the required science in college until my senior year. That’s how much interest I had.

Today marks my 9th year of “officially” having multiple sclerosis. After 9 years, I feel like I’m a doctor! Between reading research studies on treatments, tests, trials, and having too many doctors visits at Duke to keep up with, I’m into science.

I can tell when I visit the neurology department I’m not asking the conventional questions about treatments and medications. But, most of all I laugh at Jody’s face. She gives me the look of “what are you talking about?” while me and the doctor talk about B cells, T cells and everything immune system related!

The amazing part of these last 9 years??? God’s faithfulness.

Here is some quick math: I’ve now had approximately $648,200 worth of medication. That’s right. That’s a lot! Amazingly, Jody and I have only had to pay approximately $510 out of pocket.

I’m sure you’ve heard people say they can’t afford NOT to tithe to the Church?

We can’t afford NOT to tithe faithfully to the Church…



Derek Cole

Faith, Family, Business & Football | GM @SimmonsOneHourHtgAir | #AskDerekCole Show | Entrepreneur Franchise Player